We fly to San Juan then direct to O'hare from there. We have sworn off Liat, and will be trying Seaborne Airlines to get us out of Dominica, then American from there. It has to be better than Liat.
But anyway, with us getting ready to leave for four weeks, I've been trying to soak up the beauty to take that with me while home.
Just look at this place. You don't find these untouched beautiful areas just anywhere. Grateful to call this place a temporary home.
Yes, those are cows. On the beach. Because, why not? |
The view on campus. |
On the main road walking to campus. |
Dominican Oranges. Oddly enough, they aren't orange here. |
The normally calm waters have turned into wild waves. |
It seems the trade winds are coming in and bringing cooler air, and more active water. These photos above were taken on the beach by campus.
Ross also holds an annual arts and crafts expo. Local artisans are invited to sell their crafts and a portion of the proceeds benefit local charities. It's a great fundraiser, and a great way to stock up on souvenirs. Matt and I definitely took advantage, but couldn't resist the beautiful crafts.
Matt is getting ready for finals. He has mini three on Dec. 3. He will take his last exam for the semester on Dec. 11. And then we are off Dec. 13! So these next few weeks will be stressful as we wind down our third semester. Your thoughts and prayers will surely be appreciated!
I've been feeling a bit under the weather recently. This island can be very tough on your body. I hadn't been feeling well for a few days, so I went to the campus clinic where they provide feel health care to students and families. Dengue Fever, an awful disease spread by mosquitoes, has been on campus so I was tested for that. Thankfully, no Dengue for me. Just a bad case of the flu.
I'll tell you, having a fever is miserable enough, but having a fever when you're already in sweltering heat is a whole new battle.
It is hard to believe last year at this time we were coming home from the Bahamas as Matt had just finished MERP. He was talking the other day at how unbelievable it is to think the amount of material he has taken in a year, and how far we've come in just one short year. With all that in mind, it is awfully exciting to think about where we could be in just a year from now.