August 12, 2012

Girl Time....Nailed It

Matt's gearing up for his first quiz tomorrow after two long days of studying. I, on the other hand, had two wonderful days of girl time!

First, I can't tell you enough how absolutely wonderful it is to have two other wives here who I've been able to connect with right away. Not to mention an even bigger bonus - the guys all get along great and study so well together, too. This is definitely a near perfect situation! The guys can study all day, and we can have some much needed girl time! And we nailed it this weekend. :)

After Matt finished his first week of class on Friday, we made the trek to the grocery to stock up on a few items. Since we have to carry everything back, we tend to go more often and just get what we can take ourselves. We could get a taxi if needed, but we'd rather spend our money on other things when we are able to walk.

Saturday we went to the Gray's for the day. I just have to mention how lovely their apartment is. So adorable! Rachel and I are very jealous. After the rain showers cleared away, Ashley, Rachel and I went to Coral Beach which is just a short walk from their place. It ended up being a perfect beach day. Coral Beach is nice because they have a cantina, pool, tiki huts, chairs, etc. that you can utilize. We spent the entire afternoon just floating around and chatting it up. And we even saw a dolphin! It could have been a lobster trap, but pretty sure it was a dolphin. The guys joined us after we were done to do some lobster hunting and unfortunately didn't come up with anything. However, I'm sure they will catch dinner for us sooner rather than later.

That evening we went to the Port to grab some dinner since the lobster hunt was unsuccessful. Jonathan even showed off his new machete as pre-dinner entertainment and sliced a coconut in mid-air.

Today, everyone came to our place to continue the studying. The girls and I opted to go to the Port and do some shopping. I had one of the best meals here since we've been here - at Subway. And I'll tell you, what separated this from the rest was the fountain Dt. Coke. It tasted like real, American fountain Dt. Coke. AND - you got FREE REFILLS. This is the only place on the island that doesn't charge for refills. Amazing

After studying, Matt wanted to clear his mind a bit and also take advantage of the new snorkle I got him. So we made our way to Taino Beach with the Womack's so the guys could do some more treasure hunting. The water was perfectly clear and peaceful. These pictures just don't do it justice. 

Matt found me some shells, sunglasses and a keychain. I told you, some serious treasure hunting. The guys did swim alongside some sting rays, so I guess that counts as well.

Rachel and I were on a mission to find a sand dollar, but didn't manage to find one. We did see a sting ray though that was about 5-10 feet away from us - which is still a little too close for my comfort. And Rachel had the find of the day - a HUGE conch (cronch?!) shell. Thankfully, there wasn't a conch in it, but it sure did smell rotten. And that's putting it nicely

After making our way down the beach, the guys did find some lobster! They didn't have the Gray's awesome spear, so they weren't able to snag them. But I'm sure they will be going back since they now know where to find them. Rachel and I scoured the beach and found some awesome beach glass that I can't wait to craft with. Matt also found a sea biscuit. This one was cracked, but I'm sure they'll find more!

We were getting ready to leave around dusk, and the walk back down Taino Beach was just breathtaking. It was the perfect, powder blue color with a hint of pink. Just gorgeous. 

And now, I'm completely exhausted. The sun sure is draining. Matt will likely keep studying for awhile, but this girl is off to bed.


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