And no, I haven't started a countdown.
That's a lie. Of course I have. 10.5 weeks till we're back in the States. Scolding hot showers, quick service, and no sweating here I come! Let's hope I remember how to put make up on. Because clearly I haven't really worn any here. That melting make up look doesn't do me any good.
It seems fitting we will be going to Vegas direct from here. One extreme to the other. Go big or go home right. I'm not sure how we will adjust from the laid back pace of Dominica, to city that never sleeps, but we'll sure try!
After spending 10 days, yes 10 days, in Vegas (which is really like three months in Vegas time) we will head to Indiana for six or so days before heading back to Dominica. Oh Shipshewana how I have missed you. That's something my 16-year-old self never thought I would say.
Speaking of Indiana, remember this face?
Or maybe you remember him better from this video.
Of course you do.
He's cute and adorable. How could you not.
He's also hilarious.
Example. Christmas day we were at my grandparents house. Poor kid got a little bit of a boo boo. Now, he knows that Uncle Matt is moving to Dominica to become a doctor and make people feel better. So we asked him if he wanted Uncle Matt to look at his boo boo. He replied with a straight to the point answer of, "He's not a doctor. He has to go to school first."
What do you say to that? Leave it a four-year-old to put Uncle Matt in his place.
He was also very concerned when we started packing. We were explaining again (because what child asks something one time) that we had to go across the ocean on a big airplane so Uncle Matt could become a doctor. He got this sad, concerned look on his face, and he asked Sheila (mommy) "But if Uncle Matt is leaving, when will Aunt Mimi see him again?"
Doesn't that just melt your heart?
We told him I was going, too. Which he then thought that meant I was going to be a doctor, too. Instead of telling him there's no way I'll do blood, I told him I was going to help take care of Matt, to make sure he's eating and sleeping and being a good boy, so he can stay big and strong.
That answer seemed to suffice. I love the innocence that shines through him.
So if you're reading this Landon, Aunt Mimi and Uncle Matt miss you! We'll be home in a few more sleeps!
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