February 15, 2014


There are some weeks that just seem like you're swimming upstream. Everything seems harder, nothing goes your way and you are left to wonder why you have been dealt the bad hand.

This past week made those weeks completely worth it.

I grew up hearing the rough times are there to make you appreciate the good times. This week left us completely overwhelmed with blessing after blessing.

For starters, my mom arrived! With the crazy weather Indiana has been getting, I was so afraid she would have trouble getting out. But the snow started just after she left. Perfect timing!

I'll save the details of her trip for another post, but it was so comforting and refreshing to have her here. We were blessed with perfect weather, great trips and more throughout the whole week.

Perhaps even more exciting, was getting to share our wonderful news in the perfectly named sands of Secret Beach.

This has been the hardest secret for us to keep! Something that is so exciting, so wonderful and to have to keep that quiet has been tough for us. But now that we have survived the first trimester, we couldn't wait to share the news.

We found out just before Christmas. This was the month we wanted to get pregnant as it fit perfectly with Matt's schooling. But, planning a pregnancy typically isn't as easy as picking a date on a calendar. So when the time came to take the test, I was sure we weren't pregnant. So I put off taking the test. Well, one morning I was woken up by a very vivid dream that we were pregnant, so I got up and took the test. Sure enough, it was positive. I woke up Matt while still trying to keep our excitement to a minimum as our parents were upstairs. It was a rush of emotions that we will never forget.

For Christmas, we wanted to tell our families and surprise them, so we wrapped up small Christmas stockings to put under the tree. There were definitely surprises all around!

It was a challenge to keep it quiet while we were home, knowing that we wouldn't be able to tell people in person. So, we tried our best!

The first trimester was pretty rough for me. My 'morning' sickness typically struck in the mid to late afternoon. I was managing ok until one particularly rough day while we were still home where I ended up in the emergency room. It made for a long night, but had to be put on medication to calm it all down. So with that and a diet consisting of mainly rice, ginger tea, ginger gum, ginger ale, pretzels and chicken noodle soup I made it through.

The nausea has subsided quite a bit. I'm able to eat a wider variety of foods and I'm not needing the medication near as often. Perfect timing for mom's trip!

Other than the morning sickness, the first trimester came along with extreme tiredness. Again, that is starting to subside as well.

I'm certainly not complaining. We know how blessed we are and in a way, the sickness and exhaustion was comforting as it provided reassurance Baby was doing well.

We were also able to have an ultrasound done here in Dom. I had my initial appointment in Indiana, but have been seeing the doctors here. Getting the ultrasound in Dom will be a whole new post as it was an incredibly interesting experience.

We also got to hear our little one's heartbeat which is just the most wonderful sound we've ever heard.

Matt and I are so overwhelmed by all of the excitement, support and encouragement we've had when making our big announcement. It is humbling to know how much Baby Wells is loved already! We are anxiously awaiting Baby's arrival and to meet our little one. We've prayed and prayed to be blessed with a child, and it is certainly a gift we are cherishing every minute of.

So, allow me to introduce you to Baby Wells! Beautiful!

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