January 8, 2013

Back At It

And the studying begins! We are back to our Freeport routine of Matt studying all day. It's rather exciting I tell you.

He's going green with that iPad of his.
He's enjoying the material. And he is very thankful for MERP. Most of the material these first few days has been review with the exception of some things, of course, too. But, MERP was great because it has given him a head start on this material, taught him how to study, and has also helped him (us both) acclimate to island life, so we aren't having to do that while taking on the first semester. For instance, the grocery only getting milk every two weeks, when we get a lot of rain the water turns brown, etc., etc.

Although it was an expensive, sometimes frustrating and not fun Bahama experience, we are both glad to have done it. And I can say that now that it is over.

As you may remember from our luggage fiasco, half of our stuff didn't make it to Dominica. So our families are busy getting things together to fill up a barrel and get the rest down here. It's actually kind of nice to do it that way, as we are able to come up with a good list of stuff we need that we may not have thought of. It's especially nice for food, because we now know what is rather expensive down here such as coffee and peanut butter. Another blessing in disguise.

Beyond that, we are getting our bearings here learning the ins and outs of Dominica. A few interesting things I've learned:

Sunsets here are gorgeous.

Most of the bread here is made with lard.

Maid service and laundry service is something I can get used to.

Dry season is a myth.

Therefore, rainbows are an every day event.

Don't buy food from James Store.

There is no good fountain coke in the Portsmouth area. But the local juices may make me forget about fountain Dt. Coke. Yes, I said it. And I'm just as shocked as you are.

Honking is an acceptable form of Hello.

There are so many stray dogs. But they are friendly! Love watching them play.

There are more Chinese restaurants here than in Chinatown I think.

We get American cable network TV, with the local station being New York City. The inner news nerd in me was very curious about this!

Mosquitoes love me. Already.

There are several, several steep hills.

I'm sure there will be many additions to this post. But I thought I would leave you with the most important thing that has happened.

Matt and Jon are reunited.

It's like they never left.


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