October 9, 2012

Bahama Problems

I thought I would have some fun with this post. There's some truth and some sarcasm. But here's a look at some of the Bahama Problems we experience.

You go to the grocery to find there's no milk that's not expired. If you do find milk, it's probably going to be $7 a gallon.

You can't swim in the ocean because there's a regatta.

You must remember to cover your drains at night. Otherwise a cockroach will come to visit.

Swearing in public is against the law.

You can't find chicken breasts at the grocery, but you have a fine selection of ox tails and pig feet.

You can't find a comfortable place to sit just anywhere.

There's no good place to find Mexican or Chinese food. There's just Chicken in Bag.

You decorate pantries and counter tops with bay leaves, otherwise you will be overtaken by sugar ants.

You can't walk up a flight of stairs without looking like you just ran a marathon.

These are your neighbors. Along with snakes. 

When doing laundry, your clothes don't dry because the air is so humid.

You only put a light bulb in one of the sockets on your light fixtures, because the electricity bill is so expensive.

You can't walk too long without being asked if 'you're doing ok' from one of the locals. Translation - 'do you want to buy drugs?'

It's hard to cool off, because the ocean feels like bath water.

Forget using a GPS, without addresses, TomTom is pretty useless.

Your new friends are a bunch of hermits.

You can't get a reliable cable signal or internet connection in the afternoon or evening, because there are too many other students using it at the same time.

Don't forget to pack your umbrella and your sunglasses. Not because it's rainy now and the sun will come out later, but because it is rainy with sunny skies all at the same time.

So we have a balcony. That has been overtaken by pigeons. Pardon the disgustingness.

You get American cable, with American advertisements, but there are no American stores or restaurants nearby to satisfy the craving.

Less than six weeks till our time here will be over. We are trying to enjoy it, and I'm sure we will look back on the time here with fond memories. But I'm definitely ready to have the comforts of home once again - i.e. decent priced toilet paper, good fountain dt. coke and no dirt bikes racing down the highway at 3 a.m.!

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