August 28, 2012

Home Again

Sorry for the delay - but in case you were wondering, I did make it home! On time! Just in time for that matter. I'm pretty sure if my flight was later Saturday, I wouldn't have gotten home on schedule.

That's not to say it was a smooth flight. The flight from Freeport to Miami was a blast. And by blast I mean terrible. People were screaming. That's no exaggeration.

It was my first turbo prop experience.

And I won't even go into detail about the U.S. Customs Agents stopping boarding and going through our carry-ons and luggage right on the tarmac.

But I got there. And I got there safely. I guess the rough flights just make the normal turbulence seem minor.

I did sit next to a nice gentleman from south Atlanta who knew of Shipshewana. He even worked in the area. What a small world.

And on the Miami to O'Hare flight I sat next to a man who flew out from the Dominican Republic. I asked him how Isaac treated that flight. But he said the drive was actually worse. The roads are right next to the ocean, and the waves were so high, he thought he was going to be swept away. Scary stuff!

Overall, the flights were fine. But I am much happier with my feet on the ground.

After a joyful reunion with my parents, it was off to pick up Emmy dog. I think she was just as excited as I was! Oh how I've missed her. I feel so much better just being around her again. Leaving her just pains me in ways I didn't think possible for a dog.

The weekend was left with family time. I got to give Landon his souvenir from Uncle Matt and me. Landon LOVES coconuts. So we got him a coconut that was turned into a piggy bank. I gave him my Bahamian change to start off his bank.

He gets that look from his mother. (Just seeing if you're really reading this, Sheila!) We had some family lunches, and I got to visit my family at Emma Mennonite. It's always so refreshing to go home.

Monday we took Emmy in to the vet as her left leg had swollen dramatically. Unfortunately, today she had to go under so they could remove a couple of lumps, take some x-rays and get a sample of the tissue that is swollen. Needless to say, I feel like the worst dog mom in the world. I leave her, finally come home, then send her to the vet while I am in Indy today, so I couldn't even be there for her surgery. I'm glad Grandma and Grandpa Miller are there to take care of her, but I still feel awful. Hopefully she'll get to feeling better soon. I know she's in good hands at the vet and at home.

This trip home as been exactly what I needed. It's so wonderful to be at home, be in the office with my coworkers, and just fully enjoy the comforts of the U.S. (including a good fountain Dt. Coke of course.)

So I'll be in Indy until Friday, and then back to Freeport on Tuesday. I do miss my husband!


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